Novega: The Analyst Portfolio

A self-taught IT Professional specialized in Data/Business Intelligence Analysis and Engineering.
Well versed in SQL, Python, Tableau. @Novega Graffitarini
This Portfolio website released under Creative Commons license.

Data Visualization in Tableau

In this project, I performed data visualization on various cases such as The World Happiness Index 2017, Sales Dashboard Report, Chicago Films Released Report, etc.
All visulization made from data in csv format that is available publicly online.

Webscraping using Python

Webscraping to extract data about renting prices in three cities in the Netherlands. This performed by running few lines of Python, to import ProfileReport show dataset statistics which useful to investigate on data's correlation, missing values and possibilities for further EDA process.

Google Playstore Analysis

Capstone project of Algorithm Academy Data Analytics Specialization. I builded a simple web application (dashboard) using the Flask framework. This capstone focus on the Flask user interface.